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How To Enable Full Scrolling For Mac

Prior to OS X Lion, you could readily make use of the scroll bars in the Mac OS to navigate through documents and windows shown on screen. However, Apple has changed this in Lion so the scroll bars are now minimal and more of an indicator for when window contents are moving than anything useful.

  1. Enable Scrolling In Windows 10
  2. How To Enable Full Scrolling For Macbook Air

Scroll bars vanished in OS X Lion (10.8), and they can really throw a user at first because they only appear when scrolling. This might at first lend a cleaner. Scroll with second version of the mouse is not working in Windows 8.1 yet. Drivers didn't helped. – pbies Jan 5 '16 at 16:16 This worked for me on Windows 10 today, using the first version of the mouse (the one with 2 AA batteries).

Check if it helps you to enable vertical scrolling on your touchpad. If the above steps do not help, you may have to contact manufacturer support to check if they have any function keys or any settings to enable the vertical scrolling feature in touchpad.


While likely not a feature that was relied on regularly, scroll bars and the functions they provide do come in handy at times. For instance, when paging through large documents the scroll bars can be used for adjusting the window contents positioning in small amounts, and the scroll indicators themselves can be used for showing both your current location in a document and its size relative to the window.

Therefore, some people may still find a need for scroll bars or at least the functions they offer. Even though scroll bars are set to hide in OS X Lion, there are a couple of options available for you to both keep them persistent and use similar functions they offer.


Enable scroll bars If you open the General system preferences pane, you will see some options for how the system handles the automatic hiding of scroll bars. If you click the 'Always' option, then the system will show them at all times so you can quickly make use of them if needed. Unfortunately even though you can enable persistent scroll bars, the old arrow buttons for stepping in any direction are missing so there is no universal way for adjusting the screen position beyond multitouch input. Arrow keys Besides scroll bars, there are some options you can use for navigating and scrolling around windows.

The first clearly are Apple's default input methods that include two-finger scrolling when using multitouch input devices, but these can be a bit cumbersome, especially if you want to scroll in small increments or one page at a time in a specific direction. On some of Apple's keyboards there are page up and page down options, but if you do not have these then you can page up or down in most applications by pressing the Function (Fn) key and then tapping either the up or down arrow keys. Space bar options In some applications without active text fields such as Safari and Mail (when viewing inbox messages) you can use the Space bar to page down followed by holding the Shift key to page up, and also can use the arrow keys to navigate, but these options are application and situation-specific so test them out before relying on them.

Click to expand.More than likely - it probably worked, if my upgrade to 10.6 is anything to go by - I was ADAMANT I wasn't going to have paid £55 and.not. have momentum scrolling - haha!. I'm currently trying this hack on a VMware virtual Leopard, and will report back. EDIT Okay, so yeah - I can confirm that this hack.definitely.

Enable Scrolling In Windows 10

works in Leopard 10.5.8! I can also confirm that I didn't need to upgrade to Snow Leopard just yet and I didn't need to get so impatient, waiting for 10.6.2 update More gesture hacks: Number of fingers required for 'Horizontal Swipe' (back/forward in Safari etc).BACKUP YOUR.PLIST FIRST!. 1 Finger Horizontal Swipe. I have a G5 running 10.5.8 with a BlueTooth adapter, I can get the mouse to work but NO scrolling what so ever.

How To Enable Full Scrolling For Macbook Air

The CP window has not changed even after applying the update so no access to the momentum scrolling or any scrolling. Help please ETA - finally got it to work, weirdly I had to reinstall USB Overdrive, then reinstall the Wireless Mouse Software Update (which I had done before) Then install USB Overdrive and bingo it works with momentum scroll, but no options next to it. Tried the above but how do you 'Disable, then re-enable bluetooth'? ETA - first I NOW realize there are no options for scroll for Leopard. But one thing I did notice was the 2 finger swipe doesn't always work, guess it's the G5 speed issue?